Jacquelyn Berl succeeds in forming ‘something’ out of ‘the nothing’ often overlooked in everyday life. These one-of-a-kind folk art pieces take up to a year to complete as flowers and leaves are collected, pressed, preserved and finally hidden within a visions that evolves continually.
Although preserved in the same manner as a piece of handmade paper each original is in essence a ‘live’ piece of art. Each finished vision must be framed immediately to prevent deterioration of the pressed flowers and leaves. Packets of silica gel are placed between the original and the frame to absorb humidity. Though framed, each piece continues to be fragile and must be handled with extra care. As with most pieces of fine art, the original should not be placed in a window or beneath bright light.
Jacquelyn allows her visionary concepts to evolve with this wonderfully detailed collection of fine arts. To review this collection is to allow yourself a glimpse of this journey of intuitiveness by creating a completely new non-traditional art concept.
Tiburon Art Festival; Tiburon, CaliforniaSan Mateo City Hall Exhibit; San Mateo, CaliforniaTiburon Art Festival; Tiburon CaliforniaDanville Arts Festival; Danville CaliforniaTiburon Arts Festival; Tiburon CaliforniaSan Mateo Library exhibit in San Mateo, CaliforniaTiburon Art Festival; Tiburon California